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Mac St News - Friday 18 October 2024

Principals Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members,

It has been a delightful start to Term 4 with the sun shining and students enthusiastically returning to school.

Holiday Projects

While all students were on holidays, the school was still very busy and saw a lot of trades coming in to complete work in the school.

  • New Flooring: we have had new carpet installed through the office/admin area and in the Art room.
  • Painting: the admin/office area and Art Room have had a fresh coat of paint. These spaces are looking very bright and inviting.
  • Gardening: we have had to cut down some trees for safety reasons, this is something that we monitor constantly with our wonderful trees around our school.

It’s always good to get jobs, such as those listed above, completed while there are no students on site and it’s good to keep chipping away and making sure all spaces in the school are well maintained.

Kinder to Primary School Transition

During term 4 we will hold three transition sessions with our new Foundation students. It is a really exciting time for families and a school community to see new students begin their schooling journey. Our Grade 5/6 students will also be venturing to Soldiers Hill kinder for multiple visits, our senior students are excited to connect with our new friends.

Term 4

Just like all terms, Term 4 is action packed. Some of the activities that will be occurring are:

  • Kinder Visits
  • Shrine of Remembrance Excursion
  • Observatory Excursions
  • Reach for the star’s Incursion
  • Remembrance Day Ceremony
  • School Camp
  • Foundation Late Night Stay
  • School Concert
  • Grade 6 Graduation

With all the fun activities, our students will still be learning plenty.

Again, it has been a fantastic start to Term 4.

Have a great weekend.

Dates to Remember

  • Thursday 31st October

    Soldiers Hill Kindergarten Visit - Selected Grade 6 Students

  • Friday 1st November

    Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Shrine – Selected Grade 6 Students

  • Wednesday 6th November

    2024 State Track and Field Primary Championships

  • Tuesday 19th November

    Soldiers Hill Kindergarten Visit – Selected Grade 6 Students

  • Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th November

    Grade 3 – 6 Camp to Log Cabin Camp in Creswick

  • Tuesday 3rd December

    New Date - Mac Street School Concert - Held in Phoenix P-12 CC Auditorium 

  • Thursday 5th December

    Soldiers Hill Kindergarten Visit - Selected Grade 6 Students

  • Monday 9th December

    Parent Teacher Interviews

  • Thursday 19th December


Student of the Week

For making a positive start to Term 4!

  • Foundation
  • 1/2E
  • 3/4G
  • 5/6S
  • Principal's Award
  • Term 3 Responsible Citizen Award

Foundation News - Mrs Emily Burns

We have had such a beautiful start to Term 4. Our Foundation students have been learning all about seasons and weather: in particular, over the last two weeks – Winter, Spring and Summer. It has been so exciting to hear what students already know about different weather that we experience here in Ballarat. Last week we even made some snow! As we are in the season of spring right now, we have spent some time making a weather diary and drawing a picture of the weather each day!

We have made some beautiful spring flowers from coloured paper and have learned all about blossoms on trees. In Maths this week we have been learning about data, and students spent some time walking around the class, asking their peers what flavour of ice cream they liked best to collect some data. It has been a wonderful two weeks so far. – This term will fly by!

Grade 1/2 News - Miss Rhiannon Eustice

Onto Week 2 and the Grade 1/2's have been busy practising their songs for school concert. I am loving seeing the students sing with enthusiasm and embrace the 'dance breaks' in the music to add some fun to rehearsals.

As the term goes on we will learn new songs and add actions and movements to create a magical performance for you to enjoy! If you would like to practise at home, the songs are available on the website under the heading Community > School Concert.

Grade 3/4 News - Mr Andrew Goodson

The first two weeks of this term have been all about space. Thus far, we’ve looked at Earth and its place in the universe.

We have investigated planets in our solar system and know that there are the inner, rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and the outer gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). Additionally, there’s poor-old Pluto that seems to be constantly promoted and/or relegated from the honour of being a planet.

Additionally, we’ve looked more specifically at aspects of the space such as the length of a planetary year (Mercury = 88 Earth days and Neptune = 165 Earth years); this is the time is takes for a planet to orbit the Earth. Furthermore, we know that Earth does not orbit the Sun in a true circle, but rather in the shape of an ellipse (slightly-squashed circle).

Grade 5/6 News - Ms Emma Taylor (CRT)

Over the past fortnight, students have been exploring the fascinating world of Earth and Space. Soon, each student will choose a space object for their individual project, where they will dive deeper into a topic that sparks their curiosity. In Writing, we've been learning about figurative language, and students are applying this to their space-themed narratives, making their stories even more exciting and vivid. Our class text for the term is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. Through reading, students have been developing their comprehension skills and gaining a deeper understanding of this thought-provoking novel.

In Maths, students have been practicing their multiplication skills through fun and engaging warm-up games. They've also been learning to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes, drawing shapes on a Cartesian plane, and converting fractions into decimals and percentages. It's been a busy time, but students have shown incredible resilience with a new teacher and have demonstrated great courage in sharing their ideas and positively challenging their peers. Keep up the amazing work!

AUSLAN NEWS – Mrs Bonnie Irving

Term 4 in Auslan has started with us reviewing all of the content we have learnt throughout the first 3 terms. It has been fantastic to see all of our students consolidating their Auslan knowledge.

We have also looked at Question words (who, what, where, when, why, where, how) as well as tie words including today, tomorrow and yesterday.


On October 11, Braxten proudly represented our school at the Greater Western Region Track and Field Championships, in Ballarat. During the competition, Braxten excelled in the Shot Put event, securing 1st place once again with an impressive performance.

Thanks to this outstanding achievement, Braxten will now advance to compete at the state championships in Melbourne, scheduled for November 6.
We are all excited to see Braxten showcase his talent at this major event!

Students birthday

Happy Birthday to the students who have celebrated their birthdays recently or will be celebrating in the days ahead.

  • Maci
  • Aeryn
  • Nate
  • Emily P
  • Telesha
  • Jaxxon