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Mac St News - Friday 23rd August 2024

Principals Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members, We have reached the midpoint of Term 3, and it has been lovely to see some Spring weather bathing us in sunshine. It has been another busy fortnight at Macarthur Street. Our Grade 5/6 students have had their ARDOCH buddy come for a school visit. They proudly took their buddy around the school and explained the rich history that our school has. Our Grade 1 to 6 students went to Science Works for an excursion, this left the Foundation students at school to steer the ship. They loved being the ‘big’ kids for the day and having the playground to themselves. All classes have had their first of four gymnastics lessons at Ballarat Gym Sports. They worked on various skills such as: balancing on beams, floor work and jumping on trampolines.

Parent/Carer/Guardian Survey
I would like to say thank you to the parents that have taken time to complete the Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey. The survey, offered by the Department of Education, is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement.

Your opinions are important to us and will contribute to identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. The department will use the results from the survey for research purposes and to improve outcomes for students.
There is still time to complete the survey, it will be open until the 30th August. The survey will be conducted online and only takes 20 minutes to complete. It can be completed on any internet enabled device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone) and is compatible with most browsers.
Information on how to take part in the survey is posted on Compass.

Foundation 2025 Enrolments
We have had a positive number of enrolments coming in for the 2025 school year. If you or anyone you know has a 2025 Foundation aged child, please contact the school to organise a tour, enrolment paperwork and further information about transition.
Toward the end of Term 3 and during Term 4 we will have visits from Soldiers Hill Kinder, our Grade 6 students will take them for library lessons, exploring the yard and learning all about school. We are looking forward to seeing the kinder students visiting us.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Dates to Remember

  • Thursday 29th August

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports F-2

  • Friday 30th August

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports 3-6
    SSR Glasses for kids program Grade F-3 only

  • Monday 2nd September

    Special Person Morning in student classrooms 9:00am – 10.00am

  • Tuesday 3rd September

    Responsible Pet Ownership Session Grade F-2

  • Thursday 12th September

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports F-2

  • Friday 13th September

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports 3-6

  • Tuesday 17th September

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports F-2

  • Thursday 19th September

    P.E at Ballarat Gymsports 3-6

  • Friday 20th September

    Last Day of Term 3 – STUDENTS FINISH AT 1.45PM

  • Monday 7th October


  • Tuesday 8th October

    First official day of Term 4

  • Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th November

    Grade 3 – 6 Camp to Log Cabin Camp in Creswick

  • Thursday 5th December

    Mac Street School Concert
    Held in Phoenix P-12 CC Auditorium 

Foundation News - Mrs Emily Burns

Our Foundation friends this week have embarked on an adventure to Ballarat Gymsports where they learned lots of different gymnastic skills.

They were definitely exhausted when they came back! In Reading this week, we are continuing to read decodable words with 4 sounds. In Writing, students are expanding sentences involving a when and where.

We are practicing being able to orally share our sentence and will move to writing these sentences next week. In Maths, students have been learning a few different skills, counting collections of 20, reading time to the hour, and identifying differences between two collections and amounts.

We are all very excited for our book week dress up on Friday!

Grade 1/2 News - Miss Rhiannon Eustice

Last week Grade 1/2 enjoyed some time in the sun. For Maths, students had been learning about capacity.

They learnt that capacity is the amount that an object can hold. Students investigated containers of different sizes and shapes in the sandpit by filling them up and seeing what holds more, what holds less or what holds the same amount.

Some results were obvious and some were surprising! We ended the week with our excursion to Scienceworks which was both fun and educational.

Students had the chance to explore how light works and what creates electricity in the lightening room.

Grade 3/4 News - Mr Andrew Goodson

This week in the 3/4 room, our Maths focus has been ‘Area’. Area is the amount of space taken up by a surface, such as a shape, object or land.

We also learnt about the different between area and perimeter. Furthermore, we used both informal and formal methods to measure the area of certain objects.

This included using Post-it notes to measure objects around the room (informal) and square centimetre tiles to calculate area of 2-dimensional shapes (formal).

Grade 5/6 News - Mrs Sharon Smith-Francis

5/6S were really getting hands-on with Maths by exploring fractions and decimals using shaded 100s grids.

The highlighters seem to be a big hit, making the learning process both fun and visually effective.

Writing the fractions and decimals according to the shaded parts of the 100s grid was even easier as a result.

Students birthday

Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthday over the holidays or will celebrate it in the coming days.

  • Makayla
  • Summer